Console HELP and TIPS

Winzip32 is a shareware program.  Install it using the "Traditional" settings when you go to install winzip.  Double-click any .ZIP file and press the "EXTRACT" button.  Pick the desktop as your target to extract to.  Then move (Drag and Drop) your extracted files into the folder listed by the mod or skin instructions. (usually always the FAKK folder)

Activating the CONSOLE (needed for binding keys and running mods)
Run FAKK2 and from the MAIN menu,
Put an "X" in the console box.
(Return to the game)
To get the console:
Press the ~ key (tilde)and the console will drop down!
Press the ~ key (tilde)again and the console go away!

Binding Keys
Press the ~ key (tilde)and the console will drop down!
Use the "Bind" command to make a permanent function.
BIND (key to bind) (function or variable)
Cheat examples:
bind g god
bind n noclip
bind i notarget
bind w "give all"
Press the ~ key (tilde)again and the console go away!
Use the newly created bind key anytime during gameplay to activate
function without needing to drop the console anymore.

Console Commands (just the ones found to be useful)
Press the ~ key (tilde)and the console will drop down!
Type any of the commands shown, or bind a function to a key as shown above.
Press the ~ key (tilde)again when you're finished and the console go away!
WARNING: not responsible for game problems resulting from using these commands.

Listing Commands
BINDLIST Shows the current bind keys assigned in the Game.
CMDLIST Shows the available Console Commands in the Game.
MODELLIST Shows the current entities used in the current level you are on.
CVARLIST Shows the Console Variables available.
LISTMENUS Lists the available menus that can be used in the game.  (.urc files)
EVENTLIST Lists the current game events.
IMAGELIST Lists the current images.

World and FX Commands
MAP (mapname) Warp to any level.
ACTOR (actor name) Adds a valid actor into the game.
EG:  actor Julie
CG_3RD_PERSON 1 1 = forces 3rd person player view.
0 = forces 1st person player view.
UI_HUD 1 1 = shows health and essence bars.
0 = removes health and essence bars.
R_GAMMA (value) Game Brightness adjust.
(enter with no value to see current gamma setting)
FOV (value) 1 = normal field of view distance.
10 = a good zoom value..
CG_SHADOWS 1 1 = default circle player shadow cast.
2 = no player shadow cast.
3 = elongated player shadow cast.
CG_CAMERADIST (value) Camera distance from player view. (128 default)
CG_CAMERAHEIGHT (value) Camera height from player view. (16 default)
CG_CAMERASCALE (value) Camera catch-up to player time. (.3 default)
SV_GRAVITY (value) World gravity setting.  (800 default)
VIEWPOS Players current x,y,z location in world.
SPAWN (entity name) Add a valid entity item into the game. (.tik)
PUSHMENU (menuname.urc) Call up a game menu. (esc to remove menu)
TOGGLEMENU (menuname.urc) Call up a menu and remove it with a binded F key.
EG:  bind f12 "togglemenu aliview"
R_LIGHT_NOLIGHT 0 1 = forces the player to be always bright.
0 = player uses the worlds normal lighting.
R_FARPLANE_NOFOG 0 1 = takes away fog on the current level.
0 = normal fog on the current level.
SCRIPT $PLAYER HIDE Removes the player from view.
SCRIPT $PLAYER SHOW Puts the player back into view.
SCRIPT $PLAYER ANIM (animation fx) Run a player animation sequence.
EG:  script $player anim walk
SCRIPT $PLAYER MODEL (model name) Change Julie's outfits with these model names.
CHANGOUTFIT5 Add Julies accessories. (shades and armor)
SCREENSHOT For taking TGA screenshots while in the game.

(repeat commands to turn them on or off)
(when changing levels, some cheats turn off and need to be re-enabled)
GOD Invinciblilty.
GIVE ALL All Weapons.
NOCLIP Fly anywhere and through objects.
NOTARGET Player unseen by enemies.
HEALTH (value) Set the current player health.


Wallpaper and Screenshot Tips!

F11 key live shots..... Not something done in a paint program.....

Download the full sizes

Tips on Screen Shots:
All pictures were taken right from the game with the F11 key.
Notice there is no HUD in any..............Views.cfg.......H=Hud on/off.

Sword picts 1-3 were simple shots.......Views.cfg.......K=Coolview..J=Lockcam.
(swing the camera around and take just the right head-on pose.)

Training picts are fancy....Views.cfg...K=Coolview...J=Lockcam.........Cams.cfg...F10=Camout.
(however, you first spawn in more Julies and Margo to make up the training class.)
(pull out to a comfortable room size view and swing into position with the camera locked.)

Finally get dangerously cool with the Anim.cfg scripts........ Last row picts.
(Spawn in various objects.....Place Julie in exciting locations....then use Battle or Sexy poses.)

You can also use the Aquatarkus Menu Mods for screen shot set-up as well !!!!